About Me

foto sobre mim

Hello! I'm Chrystine Martins, and I'm on a journey to becoming a web developer.
I am very passionate about technology, and I firmly believe that I can make a valuable contribution to any team with my hard and soft skills.

I continuously seek to expand my knowledge and practice the skills I've acquired during my journey as a developer. I hold a degree in Human Resources, and I have a deep passion for video gaming too.

" I'm the type of person that if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer and I will find the answer." Chris Gardner.



Code versioning, file states, tracked, untracked, git init, and others.


GitHub pages, repository and project organizations, aligned with Git.


Intelligent code editor, extensions, version control, debugging, GitHub Integration


Text formatting, external links, internal links, lists, tables, input types (e.g., numbers, password, submit, checkbox, and radio), HTML tags (e.g., select, text-area), among others.


CSS inline, margin, padding, box models, link styling, background styling, positioning using display, responsiveness, element centering, pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, selectors, and more.


Loops, conditionals, scopes, hoisting, anonymous functions, arrow functions, arrays, DOM elements, manipulation of DOM element styles,object and array, synchronous and asynchronous programming, promises, and many more.


Explicit typing, type inference, tuples, enums, any, function typing, unions, type aliases, object typing, optional parameter properties, assertions, generics, import and export.


Components, templates, directives, modules, services, dependency injection, router, forms, and more.
